What is a hybrid-remote model? Why are companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft moving towards a hybrid-remote model? And why should you consider it too!
The remote model is an operating style that allows professionals to work outside of a standard workplace setting. It’s based on the idea that a job doesn’t need to be done in a selected place to be executed successfully. In a hybrid-remote model, a certain subset of the employees work in the office and the other subset works from home permanently or for the majority of the time.
Did you know before the pandemic only 16.4 % of the workforce was working from home globally and now the percentage has gone up to 72% in the IT industry alone. According to a survey 97.6% of workers reported they would like to work remotely, at least some of the time, for the rest of their career and having experienced the flexibility and convenience of work from home, some workers told they would switch to a remote job than go back to the office.
Still confused?
Well, here are some points that might help you decide
- Cost-effective: One of the major challenges in the industry today is cutting costs, by hiring remote employees from countries with a lower cost of living, companies can get a higher return on investment without compromising the quality of work. Companies can save on transportation, parking spaces, food and drinks, cleaning services, property tax, insurance, etc.
- Access to higher-quality talent: with the ever-changing economy all companies want the best workforce, however, due to cost constraints and geographical restrictions they usually have a limited pool of talent they can choose from but if they choose to hire remote employees, they have a large number of candidates they can choose from without having to worry about cost or location of work.
- A diverse workforce: In this model with no geographic restrictions and with a greater number of women working that reduces gender disparity creating a workforce with people from multicultural backgrounds with different points of view and creative ideas which can help the business expand their horizons in the long run.
- Work-life balance: while working remotely employees feel more comfortable and as they have flexible work hours, they get to spend time with their family. According to a recent study, remote workers not only felt more accomplished and in control, but they also scored higher on the workforce happiness index when compared to in-office employees.
- Reduced carbon footprint: remote work not only helps the environment but the businesses as well. During the lockdown, the nitrogen dioxide levels by 61% and particulate matter by 31% in 34 countries as the majority of the population were working remotely. In another study, it was also proved that customers subconsciously preferred companies who focused more on sustainable development.
- Fewer disturbances: while working from home employees have lesser distractions when compared from offices. There are several disturbances in a workspace like phone ringing, chitchats and a lot of other buzz. While sitting in the office with a spectacular view or in front of a brick wall – Silence is golden.
Need another reason? Well, it’s the new normal!
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